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Medrash Torah VeHayim - מדרש תורה וחיים

Prayer and Learning

Located on the second floor and accessible through a private entrance adjacent to the outside parking lot is the Medrash Torah Vehayim,1,700 sq. feet/518 sq. meters in size.

This book-lined study hall is used continuously by people of all ages for daily prayers and learning, special lectures and events, father and son programs, and a variety of functions.

Classes, Courses, Guest Lecturers, Special Events

The Centre offers an endless list of continuous learning opportunities for adults, newly married couples, young adults and teenagers – in separate and co-ed environments, in English, Hebrew and Spanish.

Stimulating, inspiring learning at all levels of  comprehension is transmitted against a backdrop of love and reverence for HaShem, Torah, Israel and one’s fellow Jew.

Here are the various shiurim and Torah opportunities offered at the Medrash Torah VeHayim

  • Daily Minha/Arbit - Halacha LeMa'ase with Rabbi Yitzhak Aboudi
  • Tuesdays - Parashat Hashavua with Tomer Malca
  • Tuesdays - Rambam for young men with Rabbi Kadoch
  • Tuesdays - Q/A with Rabbi Yitzhak Aboudi
  • Wednesdays - Ladies Class with Rabbi Kadoch in the Lower Level Classroom
  • Wednesdays - Mishmar for Middle School boys with Isaac Nacson
  • Thursday - Ohr HaHayim on the Parasha with Rabbi Kadoch
  • Saturday mornings - Noam Elimelech on the Parasha with Rabbi Kadoch
  • Saturday nights (winter months) - Avot U'Banim father and son learning
  • Saturday afternoons (summer months) - Mesilat Yesharim with Rabbi David Kadoch
  • Sundays (before Shaharit) - Gemara Masechet Megila with Rabbi Kadoch
  • Sundays (after Shaharit) - Navi with Rabbi Kadoch



Tue, 21 January 2025 21 Tevet 5785